Wireless Experience
Cingular UMTS Overlay Project
FM GROUP INC has worked with Prince and Associates and Lucent Technologies to provide leasing, zoning and architectural engineering design services for a UMTS Overlay project. The 180 sites for this project were located in the Phoenix metropolitan area including cities such as Scottsdale, Mesa and Chandler.
The project began with our Project Team reviewing over 200 existing cell sites, analyzing existing jurisdictional zoning and landlord leasing requirements and developing a “green” site list for this project. Over the period of this project, FM GROUP INC has had to overcome many challenges including negotiating additional lease space on private property, overcoming design issues including space and electrical capacity constraints, and producing 100% CD’s for all 180 sites in a timely manner.
AWS/Cingular Transport Optimization Project
In 2004, FM GROUP INC was selected by Ericsson and Black and Veatch to provide site acquisition services including zoning and leasing administration, coupled with design services for a statewide microwave transport project for Cingular/AT&T Wireless. This project included more than 200 sites to be completed on an accelerated time schedule. Site locations included Tucson and Phoenix metropolitan areas with a backbone link parallel to Interstate 10.
Additionally, in a six-month period, our Project Team reviewed over 500 existing cell sites and analyzed existing jurisdictional zoning and landlord leasing requirements to develop a “green” site list for this large scale test project for Ericsson utilizing an advanced high-speed microwave technology to replace existing T-1 landlines. FM GROUP INC has been an important team member of the Ericsson, Black & Veatch Arizona project.
Bechtel AWS
FM GROUP INC has provided architectural and engineering services to Bechtel in the Arizona market since 2000. These services include 2G infill, 3G overlay, Liberty and UMTS projects. Totaling more than 400 sites, FM GROUP INC has built a reputation of fast response and innovative design that supports Bechtel’s successful build record with AT&T Wireless.
Bechtel AWS/Infranext
FM GROUP INC provided architectural and engineering services as a key member to Infranext’s turnkey project team for Bechtel AWS for many sites throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area. One key highlight was our responsiveness: we successfully provided 12 zoning packages within one-week notice on 3 separate occasions.
Metro PCS
FM GROUP INC provided architectural and engineering drawings for more than 70 sites for Crown Castle / Metro PCS with this turn-key project located in Sacramento and the Central Valley areas.
QWest Communications/US West Wireless
FM GROUP INC, under a contract with Bechtel and US West Wireless, was responsible for the design, regulatory compliance (code, zoning and permitting), and construction administration support for 300 plus QWest Wireless Personal Communications Services (PCS)/US West Wireless cellular tower sites in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The sites include designs incorporating the following options: monopole, rooftop, co-location, bell tower, stealth light poles, and an artificial cactus design.
Our work included turnkey services, which included leasing, zoning, collocation, permitting, design drawings, construction drawings and utility co-location services.
Nextel Communications Mobile Switching Office
This Mobile Switching Office (MSO) project was a 15,915 square foot tenant improvement. The project included the MSO, a complex technical support area, and an administrative support area.
The MSO consisted of 6,000 square feet of electronic telephone switching equipment and support facilities with redundancies that eliminate any single point of failure (power, HVAC, fire protection, fiber communication links to local and long distance telecommunications providers). The MSO is constantly operational to support Nextel’s expanding network in the Arizona/New Mexico region.
FM GROUP INC’s responsibilities included providing designs, associated site analysis documents, and required city plan check/correction documents for the building’s tenant improvement. Project requirements also included coordination of mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and fire protection engineering design.
Important issues of this project, as in most wireless communications projects, was satisfying the equipment requirements and grounding issues, and committing all necessary resources to meet project deadlines.